Compare horizontal slices from two different CF compliant structured grid models (CH3D and ROMS) at a particular time step and depth
url{1}=''; var{1}='salinity'; titl{1}='CH3D';
url{2}=''; var{2}='salt'; titl{2}='CHESROMS'; dat=[2005 1 10 0 0 0]; % Jan 10, 2005 00:00 UTC depth=-5; % horizontal slice 5 m from surface ax=[ -77.4572 -75.4157 36.7224 39.6242]; %lon/lat range cax=[0 33]; %color range lat_mid=38; % for scaling plots
Perform analysis without using dataset dependant code
Access datasets, get 3d field at given time data, interpolate data to a constant z, plot results at z depth
figure; for i=1:length(url); nc{i}=ncgeodataset(url{i}); jd{i}=nj_time(nc{i},var{i}); % using nj_time itime=date_index(jd{i},dat); disp(['reading data from ' titl{i} '...']) % using nj_tslice here, which doesn't allow for subsetting or % striding: you get the whole 3D field at a particular time step: [s{i},g{i}]=nj_tslice(nc{i},var{i},itime); sz{i}=zsliceg(s{i},g{i}.z,depth); a{i}=subplot(1,length(url),i); pcolorjw(g{i}.lon,g{i}.lat,double(sz{i}));colorbar axis(ax); caxis(cax); title(sprintf('%s, depth=%f: %s',titl{i},depth,datestr(g{i}.time))); set (a{i}, 'DataAspectRatio', [1 cos(lat_mid*pi/180) 1000] ); end
reading data from CH3D... reading data from CHESROMS...