Method D: Read surface salinity using NJ_TSLICE Most compact method for getting data and grid, but limited to entire slices or 3D volumes of data at a particular time step.


OPeNDAP Data URL for a CF-Compliant curvilinear ROMS model dataset

url ='';
ilevel=-1; % nj_tslice uses "-1" instead of "end" to indicate last level

Plot with pcolor

Plotting using pcolor is as simple as the code below. Sometimes coordinates are stored in the netcdf datasets as vectors (vs. the 2-d arrays that these lat/lon coordinates are in). When this is the case, see Matlab's meshgrid function to create 2-d plaid grids from the vectors.

% Remember that pcolor expects a double as input
pcolor(grd.lon,, double(salinity))
shading flat; colorbar; caxis([35 39]);

% Now let's add a title to the figure that includes the dataset's global
% attribute title and the date of the data that we subset.
nc = ncdataset(url);
title({nc.attribute('title'); datestr(grd.time)})